Jesus & Hell预览

Three truths about hell
You can learn a lot about hell from Jesus. He once said, “But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell” (Luke 12:5). Here we find three important truths about hell:
First, hell exists. Hell is not something that a bunch of old church guys made up to scare and control people. While it’s true that some sinful church leaders use hell in a sinful way, talking about hell cannot be sinful because a sinless Jesus talked about it. In fact, tons of Jesus’ parables (or stories) talk about heaven and hell, eternal life and eternal fire; this guy goes to paradise, and that guy goes to punishment.
Second, hell happens after death. We sometimes say, “It was hell. We went through hell.” According to Jesus, that isn’t true. If you were alive, that wasn’t hell. It might have been insanely hard, but it wasn’t hell. Hell happens after death, not before it.
Finally, God has the authority to throw you into hell. When you die, you don’t get to decide where you go. Your friends and family don’t get to vote. Only God has that authority. He, and no one else, will judge your forever future. That’s why Jesus says you should fear God.
Jesus wants to show you the truth about both heaven and hell. Listen to his words. Fear God, lamenting the seriousness of your sin and trusting that Jesus came down from heaven to save you from hell.

There are lots of ideas, opinions, and conjectures about hell. Let’s listen to the Lord who came down from heaven, the One who knows the whole truth about hell. He had a lot to say about it.