
Blessed & Renewed: A 5-Day Journey With the Almighty预览

Blessed & Renewed: A 5-Day Journey With the Almighty


Day 2: "Surrendered & Blessed"

Today, let's surrender our worries and struggles to the Lord's grace. To be honest, I often find myself worrying about my struggles with school and balancing this career in music. The pressure to excel academically weighs on my shoulders and I feel overwhelmed sometimes by the expectations placed upon me. It seems like no matter how hard I try; I can’t keep up with the pace all the things in life.

During one particularly challenging period, I was reading my bible and read the scripture Romans 6:14. This scripture reminded me that I didn't have to carry the weight of my academic struggles and my music career alone. I began to understand that the Lord's grace extended beyond my personal shortcomings, limitations, and perspectives overall.

With a renewed perspective, I have and continue to surrender my worries and struggles to his grace. Instead of berating myself for every mistake and setback, I seek his guidance and wisdom. I seek help from the people God has placed in my life to help and I embrace the idea that it is okay to ask for assistance. Through the power of his grace, I find the strength to persevere through difficult assignments and grasp challenging situations. I approach my school work and my career with a sense of resilience and determination, knowing that the Lord's grace will carry me through any challenge that may come my way.

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Blessed & Renewed: A 5-Day Journey With the Almighty

Hey y'all! Come join me on a blessed 5-day journey where we soak up the goodness of the Lord's grace. Each day, we'll dive into a different piece of His grace puzzle, seeing how it revives and renews our souls. Let's wal...


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