Finding Joy in the Trinity预览

Finding Joy in the Trinity


The Only Path to True Joy

If you had to describe God’s personality, what would you say? Not what He does, but His demeanor. Not what He’s capable of, but what He’s like.

Here’s how King David described God: “in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Ps. 16:11). He also said God’s presence brings gladness and joy (Ps. 21:6)!

Does it surprise you to know that God is happy? He is infinitely joyful! And because He’s so delighted, that’s how He can be delightful to us—by sharing who He is with us. If joy is your goal, knowing the triune God will be supremely useful to you. In fact, this is the only path to true joy.

But that doesn’t mean it will be an easy path. Everything beautiful in life has some level of unavoidable difficulty attached to it, including our best and strongest relationships. In every relationship, you have to go through the process of getting to know that person. Along the way you face misunderstandings and miscommunications; maybe you also encounter unmet expectations—all as a part of building the relationship. People are wonderfully complex, aren’t we?

Our relationship with God has a lot of those same complexities because He’s a Person too. Three Persons, actually—Father, Son, and Spirit. You’re likely here because you already agree with the idea of the Trinitarian God of the Bible, but you don’t necessarily know what that means. So, to a certain degree, I’ll assume we’re on the same page and that I don’t need to spend paragraphs or pages convincing you God exists or the Bible is true. However, even those of us who consent to belief in the Trinity have a hard time grasping exactly what (or Who?) it is (They are?). See how complex it already feels?

During the next few days, as an introduction to the study of the Trinity, we’ll look at what God says about Himself—Father, Son, and Spirit.

We’ll see how they’re unified and how they’re distinct.

As we approach such a complex topic, I want you to know that you can do this. You can grow in your understanding of the Trinity in a way that amplifies your love for God and transforms your life.

And brings you great and abiding joy.

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Finding Joy in the Trinity

It’s hard to know a God you don’t understand, and it’s hard to love a God you don’t know. But our God wants to be known and loved, and He’s told us a lot about Himself in His Word—particularly that He is a “three-in-one” God. This five-day devotional will help you better understand God’s triune nature, so you can find deeper intimacy in Him.
