Distraction: The Enemy of Direction预览

Distraction: The Enemy of Direction


Distractions have a few different sources.

Many grow out of desires and false beliefs we hold inside. Others come from outside, from the environments we’re in, the voices we listen to, and even the people we love.

This one might be difficult to work through, but it’s vital to understand so that it doesn’t knock you off track.

Distraction #4: What Others Want For Us.

Sometimes those closest to us aren’t the ones who will help us get to what’s next. Sometimes, what they feel that we’re supposed to become doesn’t exactly line up with God’s plans.

The pressure of trying to mold yourself to fit the wants, needs, and opinions of those close to you can be overwhelming, and that’s because God didn’t make you to fit into the box that others have put you in! His plan for you was written out long before you were born. Don’t cast aside the divine identity for the one that others have put on you, even if they may have had good intentions.

Not everyone is going to understand your decisions, and some may even disagree, but if you invite God to walk alongside you as you make these decisions, who could be against you?

Don’t allow the plans of man to distract you from the plans made by the Lord.

Paul says it so powerfully in Galatians 1:10, asking himself:

"Am I trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God?”

You can almost hear the volume in his voice as we read this.

What are we here for? Whose opinion matters in the end? Who are we supposed to become?

Let me answer this on his behalf: you are not here to be the person others think you should be. You are here to become the person God created you to be.

No apologies. No compromises.

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Distraction: The Enemy of Direction

Distractions prevent us from reaching our purpose. Join David Villa as he defines several common distractions in our lives, and instructs us on how we can stay focused on the purpose and plan that God has created for us
