What Jesus Said About Forgiveness预览

What Jesus Said About Forgiveness


What is forgiveness?

It is the act of releasing resentment, bitterness, and the desire for retribution, intentionally choosing to let go of negative emotions and actions linked to someone who offended me.

Forgiveness is dismissing a debt, dismissing your demand that others owe you something. It is choosing not to take revenge or pile up bitterness in your heart.

Forgiveness is releasing your resentment, giving up your right to hear “I’m sorry” or your right to get even.

Forgiveness is as much about you as your offender.

By forgiving others, Christians emulate the grace and mercy God has shown them.

Forgiveness is about unlocking the prison door that keeps someone locked up in your life.

Obedience: How did you define forgiveness up till now? How does this align with God’s idea of forgiveness?

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What Jesus Said About Forgiveness

Forgiveness is at the core of the gospel. Jesus came to die for our sins - so that we can be forgiven. God the Father expects the same from us: To forgive others. But it is not always easy for us to do it.


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