Finding Hope in Loneliness With Amy Carmichael预览

Finding Hope in Loneliness With Amy Carmichael



I never noticed before the amazing way our Lord Jesus went through the trial of aloneness. I had thought of Him as surrounded by disciples after John 1:37–51, but I don’t think it was so. I think He had them for a while and then sent them back to their ordinary work and alone went up to Jerusalem and alone was rejected at Nazareth. But He came through that trial of spirit unclouded. The people only saw “a great light” (Isa. 9:2; Matt. 4:16). The Lord so brings us through whatever trial of spirit is appointed that at the end of the time there may be only a shining memory of a great light.

Isn’t it lovely to see how every single trial that ever comes to us came to Him first? Hebrews 4:15 is a great word. He has been “in all points” tempted just as we are.

This morning, I feasted on a very familiar word, but it came freshly: John 17:20 R.V., “Neither for these only do I pray, but for them also that believe on Me through their word.” How much we value the prayers of one another; how dear they are to us. But His are dearer, far more precious. Oh, what manner of people we should be, prayed for by our Lord Himself!


Finding Hope in Loneliness With Amy Carmichael

Do you struggle with loneliness? After an accident left her confined to her room in constant pain for the last twenty years of her life, Amy Carmichael penned countless precious letters to friends. Compiled in the book Candles in the Dark, her letters offer encouragement and hope to those who feel alone. Let these words of strength and comfort light your path today like candles in the dark.
