Twenty Five Days of Christmas Devotions预览

There was a time when only a privileged few had an opportunity to hear from God. They included kings, prophets, and priests who lived exemplary lives before God. However, the common man had no first-hand knowledge of God. But hundreds of years before the coming of Christ, God declared a time when everyone, from the least to the greatest would have an experiential knowledge of God.
So we see Jesus, born into a carpenter’s family, reaching out in word and action to the common man, the downtrodden, and the outcast. All those who put their faith in Him would experience a change of heart and transformation of their lives. It does not matter how small or big you are, or how good or bad you have been in the past, today you have the chance of knowing God intimately. Are you willing?

There is no better season than Christmas to dwell on the reason for the season. Over the next 25 days, we will look back at some key prophecies relating to the promised Messiah. We will also observe the lives and circumstances that surrounded the birth of Jesus. Above all, we will see how Jesus makes a difference in our lives both now and forever.