A Hope Fulfilled - Advent Devotional预览

A Hope Fulfilled - Advent Devotional


Genesis 1-11 illustrates God’s good creation and humanity’s sin and rebellion, which disappointed God and brought judgments. In Genesis 1:31a, the Scripture says, “And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” Adam and Eve were set to enjoy the suitable creation, each other, and their fellowship with God in a perfect social, ecological, and spiritual environment. There was one condition: not to eat the forbidden fruit.

Crossing the boundary line brought sin to the world, and God said in Genesis 6:6, “The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.” God’s distraught feeling led to the judgment in the flood and the climax of the human rebellion in building the tower of Babel to reach God. The wall of barrier between God and humans became impassible. There were no prophets or priests, temples or synagogues. People were worshiping idols and groping in spiritual darkness. Abram and his family were one of them. He grew up in a family of idolaters in the ancient Ur, modern-day Iraq.

Taking the initiative, God set Abraham and his wife on a redemptive mission that encompasses all creation, the visible and the invisible. The missionary God revealed himself to Abram gracefully, which requires faith in response. Abraham became a chosen vessel – holy and set apart for God to be a channel for His blessings to all humankind. God blessed him to fulfill his purpose, saying, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). God’s blessing to Abraham was conditional and inclusive. Abraham had to be diligent in his faith and obedient to the command and will of God.

As we see in the Old Testament, individuals and nations who blessed Abraham and his descendants are blessed, physically, materially, and spiritually. Those who cursed him were judged. God’s mission with Israel is not finished.


The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, thank you for making us living witnesses of your promise to Abraham through the advent of Christ. Like Abraham, we are saved by grace, called from darkness to a marvelous light, to be your witnesses. Once, we were “children of wrath” (Ephesians 2:3), destined for eternal separation from you. Today, we are your children, adopted and sealed by the Holy Spirit, which enables us to call you Abba Father. How marvelous is Christmas that invaded human history with an overwhelming love. Thank you for the unmerited grace and salvation.

Alex Mekonnen, Ph.D., serves as professor of Missiology for the Regent University School of Divinity.

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A Hope Fulfilled - Advent Devotional

A Hope Fulfilled - Advent Devotional explores the prophetic fulfillment of Jesus' birth as foretold in the Old Testament. Each week will have an introductory devotional on Sunday, followed by paired devotionals from the Old (promise) and New Testaments (fulfillment). Journey with Regent University School of Divinity’s faculty and staff as our hearts are once again recaptured by the beauty of Jesus' incarnation and how, through Christ, our hope is fulfilled.
