Meeting Daddy预览

Meeting Daddy


Daddy stands up for you

Every failure brings as a consequence sadness, low self-esteem and feelings of defeat. In the book of John; we are told the story of the adulterous woman, she had been caught in sin and the law said she should be stoned. I can imagine her crying, panicking, repentant, knowing that perhaps that was her last day. Jesus was present and was asked what he thought of the situation. He replied, "Let him who is without sin among you cast the first stone" (John 8:7). Little by little those who were judging her left... wow how much mercy and love Jesus shows us in this story. Finally he says to the woman: "...Now go and sin no more" (John 8:11).

We have a Father in heaven who, no matter the size of our sin, sees our repentant heart and defends us.

Today ask the Holy Spirit to reveal those faults that consciously or unconsciously you have been doing, ask Dad for forgiveness, receive His Perfect Love and sin no more.

Daddy God loves you and blesses you.

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Meeting Daddy

Throughout these 14 days you will know the immensity of the perfect love of our Heavenly Father, the facets of his love, his manifestations of affection and protection.
