Experiencing God's Presence by Susie Larson预览

Experiencing God's Presence by Susie Larson


What Is God's Presence?

What is the presence of God? Christians often talk about “seeking God’s presence” or praying for God “to be present with us in this place.” But what exactly does that mean?

Psalm 16:11 says, “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.” It’s in God’s presence that we find the fullness of joy. And, as Nehemiah 8:10 tells us, “The joy of the Lord is [our] strength.” It’s in God’s presence where we receive correction, direction, comfort, and assurance. God’s presence brings clarity to our confusion, hope in place of despair.

God’s presence is everything to us. He shows up in surprising ways in our stories. And even in seasons of silence, we can learn from Him.

God is not subject to our formulas. He won’t fit in our boundaries or boxes. He’s not limited by our small thinking. Isaiah 55:8–9 says God’s ways are higher and His thoughts are deeper and His love is far greater than our minds can fathom. His Spirit moves like the wind, and we’re wise to catch sail when He breathes fresh life into us.

There’s nothing like God’s presence. Maybe that’s why we sometimes chase the sensational but miss the supernatural. We want to experience again what we experienced then. But in the process, might we rush right by the nuanced, miraculous ways God is showing up in our stories?

Christians sometimes say it’s unbiblical to ask for more of God’s presence because He’s omnipresent. Yet what about the psalms that cry out for more of God? And what about the verses that speak of God’s movement? When God intervenes in the affairs of men, everything changes. He sometimes draws near. Other times He distances Himself. Why? And what about His movement in your life? He occasionally lifts you up. Other times He tucks you in. Sometimes He establishes you. Other times He hides you.

God’s presence isn’t a static, unmoving entity stuck in inertia. His presence is a force. It’s powerful, moving, flowing, and breathing life into all creation. The God who put the stars in place is, right now, writing a story with your life that will take your breath away.

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Experiencing God's Presence by Susie Larson

Scripture says God is omnipresent—He’s present everywhere at the same time. So why doesn’t that always feel true? Why does God sometimes seem so distant? And if God is with us, why does He allow us to suffer? Knowing God is ever-present in our lives brings assurance to our souls. In this five-day reading plan, we’ll explore what it means to experience God's presence.
