
The Warrior We Call Mom预览

The Warrior We Call Mom


Sever Your Rope

I sat in a class of mothers one evening and asked this question: “What is your rope? What is that thing in your life that keeps you close to the post and keeps you from following the call of God?”

The enemy doesn’t even have to work hard to capture our children; we do the work for him by modeling our own ropes before them. We model bondage, and therefore they follow bondage.

Don’t be disheartened. In this story we see hope! That hope is Christ, and His voice is calling for us. When He has need of you, no rope and no taskmaster can stand in the way! It didn’t matter how many days or years that mother and baby donkey had lived in bondage; Jesus saw them that day and had need of them. This fact shifted everything. He sent for them and gave the authority to His disciples to loose them and bring them to the place of destiny.

The post you are tied to is not your final destination. Jesus needs you and your babies! He is calling for both of you, and it is time to sever the rope once and for all.

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The Warrior We Call Mom

In these daily readings, Deven Wallace guides readers toward a biblically grounded perspective on motherhood, one focused on serving the family and our Lord God. This devotional is based on Wallace's book, The Warrior We...


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