The Prodigal's Return预览
Woman Who Gave One Penny
Randy Harmon
[Luke 21:1-4 NASB] And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury. And He saw a poor widow putting in two small copper coins. And He said, “Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all of them; for they all out of their surplus put into the offering; but she out of her poverty put in all that she had to live on.”
The story of the woman who gave a meager offering at the temple as observed by Jesus during the week leading to His arrest and crucifixion is a familiar one. She is probably struggling financially because of her status in life. One of the things that is interesting about this event is Jesus’ response. He knew that the leadership of the significant religious officials (who were tied to the Temple) had rejected His ministry and message. One would think that, in light of the corruption and rejection of these leaders, Jesus would have stopped her from giving, and said something like, “Don’t throw your money away. It will not do any good in this system. There are much better ways you could use it.” Instead, having come to fulfill the Law rather than destroy it, He focused on the intent of this woman’s heart and her willingness to give sacrificially. She gave what she had in good faith because she wasn’t giving to those corrupt men, she was giving to the Lord.
As good stewards, we should be concerned about transparency regarding how our gifts are used. At the same time, we should not withhold our gifts in response to our disagreement about how ministry money is used or as a way to control others. We all have opinions. We all have observed needs that tug at our hearts. Collectively, as the church, our first duty is to be faithful in obeying the Lord. Part of that obedience is giving worshipfully and sacrificially to the local church for the work of local and global ministry. Ultimately, our giving is to the Lord. The Apostle Paul reminds us that God loves a cheerful giver. Besides, God is most interested in the attitude and condition of our hearts as we give. This woman is a good example of an obedient worshiper who did what she could with what she had for the glory of the Lord. May we learn from her example!
Lord, help me be faithful in service and sacrifice to you. Amen.
A 28-day devotion for those struggling or recovering from addiction, and their families.