21 Days of Filiation: God, Family & Church预览

21 Days of Filiation: God, Family & Church



Everything you need for your earthly and eternal life, the Father has already granted through Jesus. Does that excite you? To be able to sit in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, to be blessed with all kinds of blessings, and to receive a "yes" before His promises only makes us believe that, really, in Christ, we lack nothing.

However, knowing is one thing; practicing is another. We need, as children, to access that which belongs to us. Not simply because we deserve it but because the Father has given it to us. Right now, there are unlimited resources in Heaven available to God's children. When we access such resources by faith, the materialization of the longed-for happens. Hopefully, by this point in this 21-day journey, you will have understood that to be a child and to take ownership of your right is not to give up what Jesus has already earned. This is also why the Son is at the Father's side, mediating for all who wish to access Him.

In this perfect intermediation, we can be sure that the Son will know exactly what to expose to the Father about us precisely because the Son lived in this world ─ on his journey of filiation on Earth. Don't sulk or stop in the face of opposition. Look above the circumstances and access the inexhaustible resources of Heaven. Access and be supplied in everything, even in days of drought.

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21 Days of Filiation: God, Family & Church

In this journey of 21 days, you will learn how to find peace in your relationships, protect your heart from orphanhood, and live like a son and a daughter of God, proving everything He has for you. This plan is an invitation to live the true filiation, to clear your heart completely about the Father, your biological and spiritual family.
