Real Hope: Finding Hope Through the Life of Paul预览

Real Hope: Finding Hope Through the Life of Paul


Your Due Season Is Coming

The above verse that Paul penned to the church in Galatia was one of the first scriptures I memorised! ‘Don’t grow weary while doing good’ is actually a prominent theme in Christian encouragement as Christians are expected to live the Gospel of reconciliation and love for all people. Let’s face it, we all get weary. But Paul tells us to keep on keeping on (more than once). Planting and harvesting take around four months in agriculture. During this time, the farmer waters and fertilises his crops. Though he does not reap the fruits of his labour instantly – he does each task with expectancy of the harvest to come. This is true for our lives, and Paul was aware of it. He had spent time in Galatia spreading the Gospel of Christ, and a church was established as a result. However, it appeared like they were on the verge of abandoning the very faith that had preserved them. But Paul would not grow tired of doing good and knew that he would reap the benefit of his continual love and unwavering devotion.

You might be a loving parent who has a child who has chosen to reject all the morals you instilled in them. Paul exhorts you to continue loving and praying for them despite your weariness. Perhaps your parents don’t follow Jesus and disapprove of your choices. Paul urges you to keep loving them and praying for them instead of getting discouraged.

Paul wrote that we should not give up, for in due season, we will reap. Sometimes we may not see the fruit of our doing good for some time, but we can know for certain – our due season is coming.

Further reading: 2 Thessalonians 3:13; 2 Corinthians 4:1; 1 Corinthians 15:58.


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Real Hope: Finding Hope Through the Life of Paul

In this plan, Heidi Wysman continues her study of Paul, in particular, how we can find hope by watching and learning from his life and the challenges he faced. His words and his teachings pointed to Jesus. And the simple message of Jesus – hope.
