Hebrews Bible Study预览

Hebrews Bible Study


Jesus is Better Than Moses and Brings Better Rest Than Joshua & 2nd Warning (Hebrews 3:1-4:13)

"For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account." Hebrews 4:12-13 (NIV)


Hebrews 4:12-13 (quoted above) is key to understanding the author’s use of the Old Testament in this passage. He, like other Jewish rabbis in his day, believed that the Hebrew Scriptures were the voice of the living God. Because of this, God could use them to speak directly to each generation over the course of human history.


The author begins this passage by comparing the ministry of Jesus with the ministry of Moses (see chart below).

He then launches into his second warning: do not turn away from God in unbelief, but encourage one another daily not to be deceived by sin (3:12-14). He bases his warning on Psalm 95, which reports Israel’s unbelief in the wilderness by which they forfeited entrance into God’s rest (that is, the Promised Land).

This section concludes with the author’s view that God’s word is living and active, able to judge the thoughts and attitudes of all people (4:12-13).


After angels delivered the Law to Moses, it was Moses who delivered it to Israel. This is why the author turns to him next. He wants his readers to see that even though Moses was an important figure in their tradition, there is no comparing him with the person of Christ.

His second warning is based off of David’s report of Israel’s unbelief in the wilderness from Psalm 95. Understanding God’s word to be living and active, he believes this psalm’s message is relevant for his reader’s situation “Today.” They will never experience true rest (that is, rest from trying to earn God’s favor) if they harden their hearts by turning away from Jesus.

How would "encouraging one another daily” protect the readers from being deceived by sin and hardening their hearts? How could they walk this out practically?


God’s word is living and active and holds us to account, even today. When have you experienced this?

Are you part of a community that regularly encourages you not to be deceived by sin? If yes, what does this look like practically? If not, is there a step towards this kind of community that you can make today?

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Hebrews Bible Study

This plan is intended as a guide to discovering the message of Hebrews for yourself! Grab a notebook to jot down your thoughts as you are led through a process of: (1) observing the text of Hebrews; (2) interpreting the original message to its first readers; and (3) applying the letter’s timeless truths to your life today.
