Table of Context预览

Table of Context


In this chapter of Paul’s letter to Timothy, he tells Timothy there will be hardships in his walk with God. I have faced these hardships as well. Paul also tells us what to do about these hardships. Timothy is encouraged to remember what is true about God and what he learned is best when it comes to living life as a follower of Jesus. We can follow this same wisdom.

What’s even better is that, although at the time Paul wrote these words he was referring to the Hebrew Scriptures (think Old Testament), we now have written stories about the life of Jesus and the written wisdom of some of His earliest followers we can look to! If you are going through tough times remember what you’ve learned about God…like the fact that God is always with you, loves you, and cares enough about you to correct you when you need it most.

Written by Alex, age 17, from Milledgeville, Georgia, USA

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Table of Context

For many, the Bible just seems to cause more confusion than clarity. As a teenager, you’re already in a phase of asking questions, expressing doubts, and wrestling with the idea of faith. So, how can you begin to make sense of the Bible and its context? This 4-week devotional will help you understand how the ancient words of the Bible connect to your modern, everyday life.
