Honest Offering: A 6-Day Devotional With CAIN预览

Honest Offering: A 6-Day Devotional With CAIN


Stay Right Here

(Awe of You)

I will bless you every day;
I will praise your name forever and ever.

3 The Lord is great and is highly praised;
his greatness is unsearchable.

Psalm 145:2-3

What in creation has caused you to stand in awe of God? The vast beauty of the Grand Canyon? The powerful wonder of Niagara Falls? The continuous rhythm of the ocean tides? The colorful life beneath those waves extending to the ocean floor? People travel great distances to see and experience such sights because they stir our souls in a way human invention never can.

That’s why God made those sights—creation points us to the Lord.

David put it this way in Psalm 8:3-4,9—“When I observe your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon, and the stars, which you set in place, what is a human being that you remember him,
a son of man that you look after him? . . . Lord, our Lord, how magnificent is your name throughout the earth!”

He is magnificent in creation because He is magnificent in character and work. Psalm 145 highlights this truth we find both in awestruck moments of wonder and throughout the Bible as we read His Word—God is great in a way that surpasses any other greatness we know. His greatness is beyond human understanding.

At the same time, we are compelled to express somehow the wonder of who God is and what He has done. Think about your response to those magnificent sights you have seen. As difficult as it is to describe the wonders we see in creation, we post pictures and share stories to attempt it. Even more so, if what we have seen and heard about Jesus is true, we will want to stand in that knowledge forever, even as we wonder how we possibly can.

We have shown by habit and priority that we make time for and give attention to what we believe is truly great. When we see and experience God’s greatness, the only right response is to pour out our praise and our very lives in awestruck wonder, searching the vastness of who He is and seeking to point others to Him.

  • Listen to CAIN’s “Awe of You.” What lyrics stand out to you as particularly encouraging? Which stand out to you as most challenging?
  • What would it look like for you to “stay right here” in awestruck wonder of God?
  • Praise God that He is a glory too great to behold. Commit to living your life in response to that truth.
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Honest Offering: A 6-Day Devotional With CAIN

Do you ever feel you must mend the broken pieces of your heart before bringing yourself to the Lord? We can relate. But what a joy to know the Lord does not call us to be perfect; His grace is sufficient for us, for His power is made perfect our weakness. We pray this devotional helps heal your heart and points you back to our true healer, our Heavenly Father.
