
Relationships: Passing the Vibe Check预览

Relationships: Passing the Vibe Check


Day 5: Encouraging Relationships

Acts 4:36 New International Version (NIV)

36 Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas (which means “son of encouragement”) …

Acts 20:2 New International Version (NIV)

2 …traveled through that area, speaking many words of encouragement to the people.

Who is the Barnabas in your life? Are you like him for your friends? If you don’t know much about his story, listen up. This man named Joseph (not the one married to the mother of Jesus) was such a positive and faithful friend that the apostles gave him the nickname Barnabas which means "encourager."

In the Book of Acts, we learn that Barnabas sold a piece of land and gave the money to the disciples. When he joined the ministry, he worked to support himself instead of depending on others financially. After Saul's dramatic conversion to Paul, other believers hesitated to accept him because of how viciously he persecuted Jesus's followers. However, Barnabas had Paul's back and told the people how Paul's actions proved his changed heart. He was such a trusted preacher that when early believers wanted to send money to help Jerusalem in a time of famine, they sent the help through Barnabas. He was also a trusted mentor as he gave advice and helped to prepare his friends for ministry.

You have many people giving you advice, and you probably dish out some yourself. Make sure your encouragers have the faith-based background to provide you with solid counsel, and you have the same for others.

·What would your nickname be?

·How are you listening to the encouragers who are connected to God?

·What should you change about the people who are currently influencing you the most?

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Relationships: Passing the Vibe Check

This twelve-day plan shares biblical advice to high school and college students concerning relationships. As young men and women, you desire more auspicious, promising, and meaningful connections with the people in your ...


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