
The Tide-Turning Power of Hope预览

The Tide-Turning Power of Hope


The anchor has become a popular symbol of hope. This symbol grew out of the writings of the Apostle Paul in the New Testament.

Paul was a remarkably transparent writer. He seemed to see no incongruence between being totally honest about his suffering and simultaneously holding on to a resilient faith.

A famous snippet from Paul’s writings is in Romans 8: “All things work together for good to those who love God . . .” (v. 28 NKJV). It’s crucial to remember what “all things” were. They were problems. Here are some specific pain points Paul mentions in this chapter alone:

  • Sufferings of this present time
  • Hope that doesn’t see the answer
  • Personal weaknesses
  • Trouble and calamity
  • Death threats
  • Persecution that may lead to death

The “all things” were not good; they were bad. Paul’s journey taught him that God can take the bad and orchestrate it into something good.

Every storm, no matter how intense and threatening, always ends. Stand firm. Don’t move. The warm sun will burst through the clouds. Lean into the wind and rain. Keep walking.

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The Tide-Turning Power of Hope

Come on this narrated journey with Benjamin Windle to unlock the force of hope in life's hardest fights. In a gritty and surprising take on the life of Job, explore how flourishing does not come from a life devoid of lon...


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