Sunday God Meets Monday Mom预览

Sunday God Meets Monday Mom


We planted carrots seeds months ago, and after waiting and waiting for them to be ready, we finally pulled them up. Carrots are deceiving because the entire edible part is under the dirt, and you never know what to expect until you pull it up.

My girls took turns, each choosing a carrot to pull until we harvested the entire crop. They would look at the carrot tops and find the one with the tallest, bushiest leaves and pull that one, hoping to find the biggest carrot underneath. They pulled up carrots of every shape and size, some with forked ends, double roots, and strange knobs and bulges.

The best carrots were the ones that we pulled last. Their tops weren’t very impressive, and we were expecting something scrawny attached to the other end, but it surprised us to discover long, thick, dark orange carrots connected to the scraggly leafed tops. With carrots, the visible part of the plant doesn’t reflect the health of the root. In fact, the more energy the plant puts into the leaf development above ground, the less energy it puts towards developing the root below ground.


Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. (1 Peter 3:3-4, NIV)


As we set goals for ourselves, let’s be mindful of a few common mistakes. There are many worthy goals in which we can invest our time and energy, and seeing visible results is always rewarding. However, our growth habit is the same as carrots. The most productive growth that we can do is below the surface.

Instead of seeking followers, let’s become followers of Christ. Instead of gaining resources, let’s be wise stewards of what God has given us. Instead of making our names known, let’s make Christ known through our words and actions. Let’s love well, be silent, seek forgiveness, and accept discipline with humility. These goals won’t make the top ten list of those seeking success in this world, but this world is not our final destination.

While everything that we can see and touch is wasting away, we possess a soul that is eternal. Pouring time and energy into knowing God and growing to be more like Him is an investment that we will carry with us forever and ever. Let’s not compare our carrot tops to those around us, instead let’s reach deep into the soil and put our energy into what truly matters. We may not be much to look at above the ground, but when harvest time comes, it will be obvious where our energy went.


Father, thank You for giving me a soul that will last forever with You in eternity. Renew my mind so that I can focus my time and energy this year investing in cultivating a heart that loves and follows You. You are my highest reward.


How can I prioritize spiritual growth in my life?

I hope these devotions from the book Sunday God Meets Monday Mom by Erin Greneaux were helpful in drawing you closer to Christ.

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Sunday God Meets Monday Mom

Do you ever feel like the God you worship on Sunday has nothing to do with your Monday life? These five-minute devotions offer relatable stories, scripture verses, and applications to help you experience the transformation of our Sunday God in life’s little lessons that come on Monday.
