Know for Certain: Answers for Those Who Doubt (Vol. 1)预览

Know for Certain: Answers for Those Who Doubt (Vol. 1)


Know For Certain: Who Is Jesus … Really?

At some point in your life you may have seen a painting or an artistic rendering of Jesus. He’s usually depicted surrounded by children or sheep, clothed in bright white robes with an ethereal glow about Him. While the artist may have meant well, in truth, it’s been over 2,ooo years since any human being on earth was with Jesus, so no one in recent history knows what He looked like.

More important than physical appearance is His nature and character. Who is Jesus? What has He done, and why did He do it? Thankfully, we have God’s Word, the Bible, which tells the story of Jesus in great detail.

The video touches on many aspects of Jesus, including His miraculous birth and amazing earthly ministry. Jesus existed before the beginning of time. He is fully God, encompassing all the attributes of God. But because He was born of Mary, He is fully human too. He experienced all the constraints of living in human form, including temptations, yet He lived a life without sin. This mysterious nature allowed Him to live the perfect life for us that is truly impossible on our own.

During Old Testament times, God required His people to atone for their sins by sacrificing an animal on an altar. The animal had to be perfect and without blemish. While the actual blood and body of the animal did not take away sin, God forgave the people through the act of the sacrifice. They were considered cleansed from sin and restored to a right standing before God—but only temporarily. The people would need to offer a sacrifice for every sin every time they sinned in order to be forgiven and restored. The sacrifice was not permanent nor a way to obtain eternal life in heaven.

Because Jesus lived a perfect human life, His death completely atones for our sin once and for all. His sacrifice cleanses us from sin forever and eternally gives us a right standing before God. Jesus’ sacrificial death and His resurrection conquered sin and death forevermore. He offers us an eternal life with Him, completely cleansed and justified before God if we will but confess our sins and accept His forgiveness. Will you accept His offer? We can know for certain who Jesus really is through the Bible and we can accept His generous offer through prayer.

Call to Action:

Thank you for completing Know for Certain: Answers for Those Who Doubt (Vol. 1). Please check out more films, including JESUS, a feature-length film based on the Book of Luke.


Know for Certain: Answers for Those Who Doubt (Vol. 1)

We would like to thank Jesus Film Project® for providing this plan, which includes videos from the Do You Ever Wonder…?Series © 2021-2022 The Jesus Film Project. All rights reserved. For more information, please visit

© 2023 Jesus Film Project. All rights reserved. Used with permission

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Know for Certain: Answers for Those Who Doubt (Vol. 1)

Experiencing doubts in the Christian life is completely normal and can ultimately lead to strengthening our faith. In this four-day, video-based reading plan, explore answers to four common questions you may have about the Christian faith. What is God's plan? Can the Bible be trusted? Why did Jesus have to die? Who is Jesus ... really?
