Teatime Discipleship: Celebrating Christ Through Community预览

Teatime Discipleship: Celebrating Christ Through Community


Becoming Home to One Another

The biblical book of Hebrews was written to Jewish believers who had been scattered by persecution in Jerusalem after the stoning of Stephen. They left behind the temple, sacrifices, and traditions—the familiar sights, sounds, and smells of the holy city that had made their faith a tangible experience. Now, they were being asked to live by the intangible beliefs of their new Christian faith, by the Holy Spirit within them.

Many Jewish believers wanted to return to the familiar security of their “home” in Jerusalem. But the book’s writer reminds the believers what they need to do when they’re alone and far from the familiar: to be faithful and to encourage one another.

Let’s hold firmly to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let’s consider how to encourage one another in love and good deeds, not abandoning our own meeting together, as is the habit of some people, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near,” (Hebrews 10:23-25).

True Joy

Even if you have never moved houses, we, too, are far from home—just like those early Christians. Only the Word of God and the fellowship of other believers enable us to “hold firmly to the confession of our hope without wavering” (verse 23). It’s a long journey between here and heaven, but God is with us and is faithful to keep His promises.

Fellowship Heals

The life of faith is not always easy, and we can lose our confidence in Christ. That is why we need one another: endurance is not meant to be a solo effort.

Recently, I found myself experiencing eye-watering pain. I am independent by nature and walk five miles a day—rarely slowing down for anything or anyone. But the pain was a sign that I had worn out all the cartilage supporting my hip and would need a hip replacement.

I hate to burden people—yet there I was, humbled by a newfound need to rely on others. But every once in a while, God shows His very personal kindness in generous, considerate ways that we would never have known to ask for. For three weeks after surgery, friends brought me meals. Flowers flourished on tables throughout my living room where I spent my days on the couch. And, realizing anew that friendships grow strongest when personal time is invested, I used my healing time for deep conversations with those I loved.

I don’t remember feeling so loved and cared for in my entire life. I was usually the one pouring out my life. Now, this thoughtfulness and fellowship touched deep places in my heart that I didn’t know I needed.

May God give you the strength for each day and the vision to know that even in the small details of your life, the kingdom of righteousness is growing. May your heart and your home manifest His grace!

We hoped you enjoyed this YouVersion plan. You can read more from Sally Clarkson in Teatime Discipleship, available now.

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Teatime Discipleship: Celebrating Christ Through Community

Sharing your love, faith, and friendship is a key part of staying alive and vibrant in Christ. This plan encourages you to better support those dear to you while drawing nearer to God. You’ll discover eternal truths about God’s goodness and design while learning to use your own unique gifts to share with others the beauty of a life redeemed by Christ.
