Women of Welcome: Christ-Like Welcome预览

Welcome that Saves
Thoughtful Questions:
1. Choose one of the Bible passages from above. Read it slowly several times. What words, phrases, or word pictures do you notice? How do you think that might connect to your life right now?
2. Pick one or two of these passages and read them in The Message (MSG) translation. What captures your attention in this particular translation of these passages?
3. Many of us know the verse John 3:16 by heart. This week, try and commit to memory verses 17-21.

The welcome of Christ was astonishing to the culture around him. He gave voice to the speechless, frustrated the powerful, and humbled the wise. As Christians, our welcome should be like his– wonderfully surprising, deeply challenging, and firmly rooted in love. This five-week study explores the complicated and beautiful welcome of Jesus toward his most beloved creation, human beings. Jump in with us, individually or with a small group, and let’s transform how we show welcome.