Supremacy of Christ: A Study in Hebrews预览

Supremacy of Christ: A Study in Hebrews


What does it say?

The New Covenant, mediated by Christ, is superior to the Old Covenant, mediated by Moses.

What does it mean?

This group of Jewish Christians longed for the comfort of the familiar – the same tabernacle, laws, and sacrifices. The writer of Hebrews has arrived at the main point of his letter: the New Covenant is superior to their old way of life. The law under Moses was written on stone tablets and required strict obedience. The New Covenant is internalized, written in the heart of each believer, and unconditionally based on God’s grace, not one’s ability to keep the law. The first covenant is obsolete; it was time to move forward.

How should I respond?

Under which covenant are you living? Striving to keep the Old Covenant is an attempt to gain God’s acceptance by what you do externally: volunteering, giving money, or simply attending church. There’s a better way. Entering into a covenant relationship with Jesus Christ isn’t about what you do but about what Jesus did on the Cross. Are God’s laws written on your mind, giving you knowledge and direction about His will? Is God’s law written on your heart, giving you the desire to follow His will? As you follow His will, the Holy Spirit will urge you to move ahead in areas of your faith that need greater maturity.

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Supremacy of Christ: A Study in Hebrews

Although the authorship of Hebrews is unclear, the message of the book could not be clearer: Jesus Christ is superior to all. Jesus’ name is greater than the angels, He is more faithful than Moses, and only His blood has the power to take away sin. Hebrews reminds us to look to Jesus and faithfully run the race He has called us to.
