Women of the Bible预览

Mary of Bethany, sister of Martha
I'm a list person. I always have a list of things I need to accomplish at work, for my family, or to keep up with tasks inside my home. Yet, the example of Mary reminds me of the hazard in my ways.
Mary is the sister of Martha and Lazarus. Their home was a stopping point for Jesus and his disciples on more than one occasion. We read about them in Luke 10. I'm sure a lot was going on in their home; however, amid the bustle, we see Mary sitting at Jesus's feet and listening. We see later in John 12 how Mary carefully listens to Jesus's teaching and felt compelled to honor Him as she anoints his feet with oil in preparation for his impending death and burial. Jesus described her by saying she had "chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her."
Although I appreciate (and quite frankly often cling to) my lists to keep some sense of order, they have the ability to hinder me, too. Am I pressing in and giving priority to the things that will not be taken away from me?
1. How do you see Mary respond throughout these encounters with Jesus that shows she was not only listening, but she also believed what he said?
Prayer: Father, as I plan my day, let me not forget the things that cannot be taken away and set them as my priority.

Eve and Mary may be the most well-known in Scripture, but the Bible is chock-full of women with rich character, bold faith, and powerful testimonies. Join us as we briefly study 30 “Women of the Bible” and learn about the ways God used them, sustained them, emboldened them, and provided for them. Women have been a part of God’s plan from the Garden of Eden until the present day. We pray your faith is encouraged and strengthened by spending some time getting to know these women’s accounts.