Good Grief Part 2: Learning to Lament in the Psalms预览

Good Grief Part 2: Learning to Lament in the Psalms



Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me. Psalm 23:4

Our lament prayers allow us to see God as the protector and Good Shepard. Our lament prayers allow us to turn to God in our darkest and most painful moments. Our lament prayers allow us to trust God when we can’t make sense of our pain and suffering in a broken and fallen world.

Throughout the last few days, we’ve seen what it looks like to lament with God through the Psalms. It begins with turning to God through our prayers, laying out our complaints, asking questions, and finally toward trust and praise.

The work of lamenting is hard. It’s hard to examine and recall the parts of life's experiences that have been the most painful. But it’s also essential and beautiful work. There is transformational power in allowing God to take the darkest parts of our lives and redeem them in ways only He can.

It’s surely no coincidence that Psalm 23 comes directly following the particularly anguished lament we read yesterday in Psalm 22. We must be reminded that even if we feel alone, discouraged, and in the depths of despair, there is a Good Shepard waiting for us. The work of lamenting helps us to accept and live in God’s goodness. Don’t give up. Do the hard work of lamenting and let God do the work in you.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:6

Ask Yourself and Journal:

-How do David’s words in Psalm 23 turn me toward hope in God?

-How can I receive God’s goodness in my life today?

Pause to Pray: Use Psalm 23 as your prayer guide and in your own words, add a few lines about choosing hope in God.

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Good Grief Part 2: Learning to Lament in the Psalms

We all experience great loss- a relationship, a job, a loved one, or simply life as it once was. We’re sure that life is not supposed to be this way, so we grieve and mourn for what could have been. We’re not alone. Join us for the second week of a 5-part plan that will help us learn the language and heart of lament in Scripture.
