
The Send: A Life of Christ-Like Action预览

The Send: A Life of Christ-Like Action


Jesus didn’t spend his time in Jerusalem making friends. Instead, he went to the center of Jewish power, the Temple, and called out the error and hypocrisy of Israel’s leaders. Jesus’ message was simple: they had failed in their responsibility to lead God’s people, and he was here to ensure it was done the right way.

Some of these leaders tried to trap Jesus into angering the crowds with a politically hot topic—should the Jewish people pay taxes to their Roman oppressors? Jesus uses this question as an opportunity to give radical teaching on discipleship. Caesar’s image may be on coins, but God’s image is on everyone. When Jesus says to give to God what is God’s, he is teaching those who have ears to hear that true devotion to God requires our whole self. Discipleship isn’t just about a religious ritual or a financial donation; it is about giving everything you are back to the God who created you.

Reflection Questions:

  • How is God speaking to me through these verses?
  • What does this set of verses teach me about God?
  • What does this show me about the good news of Jesus?
  • How can I apply what I read today?
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The Send: A Life of Christ-Like Action

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