Rest & Restoration预览

Rest & Restoration


Imagine you’re crossing the street with a friend. Suddenly you hear screeching tires and from the corner of your eye you notice a car that’s not going to stop before it hits you. Your friend reacts quickly and pushes you out of the way to save your life. Is there anything in that moment you wouldn’t do for that friend?

Romans 12:1 is a very popular verse, but many people skip right over the first half to get to the “offer your bodies as a living sacrifice” part. What we miss when we do that is a life-changing five-word phrase: “in view of God’s mercy.”

We are told “in view of God’s mercy” to give ourselves to God. What does God’s mercy look like in your life? Have you ever really thought about it? When you use God’s mercy as a lens through which you see your life and what he asks of you, it changes everything. It’s the beginning of a new stage of growth, one in which you realize that giving of your time, your money and your gifts to those around you isn’t a burden or an inconvenience. It’s an opportunity for you to be in the front row while God does amazing things through you. It’s a way of giving thanks to God.

So in addition to the greatest act of mercy in history (Jesus giving his life for ours), what has God given you that is over and above what you deserve? How will you use those gifts to thank him?


Take the time to write a list of the top 10 most amazing things God has freely given you that you don’t deserve. Next to each of them, write a way you’re able to use those gifts to help others.

Go Deeper Resources

  • Check out Grace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine by Max Lucado

Next Steps

We hope you feel rested and are beginning to feel restored in your relationship with your Heavenly Father. Let us know about your experience with this plan and your progress story by emailing

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Rest & Restoration

The purpose of this plan is to reconnect you with your heavenly Father, and through that connection restore you to a full life with him. This plan is not filled with a series of to-dos, but invitations to encounter God in everyday life. Use this plan three times a week to explore what it looks like to establish rhythms and practices to step into a growing relationship with God.
