


The Key To Becoming ‘Fitly Joined’

You are a joint in the Body of Christ, and you have a unique supply of the Spirit within you, crafted and designed in every detail by God Himself. You also have the Helper, the precious Holy Spirit, who will help you give out of that rich supply according to His power and His direction.

You can be assured of this: It’s going to be worth it to do whatever the Lord of your supply is telling you to do. The reward is way beyond anything you could imagine! Plus, in the midst of it all, He will let you know that you are pleasing to Him.

Just as Jesus spoke in Mark 14 of the woman with the alabaster box, He will find a way to let you know that He is pleased with your obedience. That woman heard Jesus’ words and carried the knowledge with her for the rest of her life — that although her act of love may have displeased others, it pleased Jesus so much that He said, “This will be remembered for generations.”

That in itself would be reward enough for me — just to know that Jesus is happy with what I did for Him. “She has done a good thing, and she did what she could.” To hear such words from the Master would truly be more than enough for me.

So I urge you to continually yield to Jesus’ work in you. Seek Him often in the secret place of His presence. Break open your alabaster box, and out of your love for Him, allow the priceless treasure within to pour forth from you in a deeper and richer way. Then as you go through each day, refuse to allow anything to keep you from doing what He has asked you to do as you follow the dream He has placed in your heart. Determine that you will be known in Heaven as an unstoppable force bearing much fruit on the earth!

I can tell you, my friend — it’s going to be worth it all. A crown of life awaits you! But even more precious than that will be those cherished words you have been waiting to hear, spoken to you by the Lord Jesus Himself: “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Master.”

Journal Prompt

What does it mean to be unstoppable for the Kingdom of God? Invite the Holy Spirit to guide you and direct you as you use your giftings for the glory of God.

Memory Verse

Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. — Hebrews 13:5

We adapted this Plan from another resource. Learn more about Unstoppable .

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Have you struggled to know what you have of value to offer as your part in God’s great plan? Ephesians 4:16 says you are a joint that supplies. You have a unique supply, and your gifts are needed in the Body of Christ! In this inspiring 14-day plan, Denise Renner will help you push past the obstacles that are holding you back from being unstoppable for the Kingdom of God.
