Born to Bloom, Heal From Sexual Abuse预览

Born to Bloom, Heal From Sexual Abuse


Comfort Others

One of the sure ways to move farther in your healing is to comfort others. You have learned some tools here and received some healing, heal even more by giving back. This will bring great victory into your life and will take what the enemy intended for harm, to bless and save others. (Genesis 50:20). Begin comforting others with the same comfort you have been given, with the same message you have heard here in this Bible plan. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.”2 Corinthians 1:3-5

Are you ready my friend to live a life of victory? Will satiate yourself in God’s love daily and allow Him to heal you? We all need our daily bread. We need His love daily to give us life.Even on days when you don’t feel like it, read and memorized scriptures, visualize and imagine yourself helping others.

With God you will not fail! Simply hold tight to Him, allow His thoughts to become your thoughts. Speak life over yourself daily and allow yourself to let go of the past!

There is a very bright future for you! God has great plans for you!

You can choose to embrace the good life that God has planned for you. And move forward into the rest of your life with joy, enthusiasm, and hope for good things while carrying out your purpose and caring for others—living a life that is fulfilled in every way!

I too have gone through my share of abuse in life. I felt tormented, depressed and even suicidal. But instead of allowing the enemy to win, I reprogrammed my mind with God's truth. I learned how to use godly vision for my future and because of it, I have a victorious life!

You too do not have to remain stuck in the past any longer. You have an opportunity to have a new life, one that is healthy, with a godly way of thinking about and caring for yourself and others. Your story has a purpose!

One of the reasons we get empowered is to empower others. One of the greatest gifts God gives to us is the ability to reach out to others in His name. You have a purpose in life that goes beyond just living. You are chosen by God to bless others, to make a difference in the lives of those around you.

Allow God to heal you so you can help others heal, through the power of His Word. Your pain has a purpose, and Born to Bloom will help you teach others how to see beauty instead of ashes.

You have been anointed with a message of hope and healing to those who are broken-hearted and hurting. You are on assignment, through your story, to demonstrate God's redemptive power and showcase the Father's heart.

God bless you in every way my friend. You are loved! You are worthy! You have got what it takes to live a very full and blessed life!

Speak life over yourself! I AM loved! I AM worthy! I AM anointed to comfort and heal others! I AM healed!

We would like to thank La Vonne Earl for providing this plan. To go even deeper in your healing visit

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Born to Bloom, Heal From Sexual Abuse

Born to Bloom, is designed for both men and women wounded by sexual abuse. Emotional Wellness Coach La Vonne Earl will walk you through this 7-day plan to help you discover your value, learn how to speak life over yourself and build a new godly inner narration so you can have the peace of mind you desire. Get your passion and purpose back! Come join me in this life-changing plan!
