21 Days to Sweeter Friendships预览

21 Days to Sweeter Friendships


Know Any “Know-It-Alls”?

Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Romans 12:16, ESV

Do you know any “know-it-alls”? Or maybe someone who thinks they know it all. It could be one of your children, the lady at church, your nosy neighbor, the mom in the carpool line, or the guy who constantly interrupts in Bible study class.

None of us like “know-it-alls,” but have you noticed we can all be “know-it-alls” at times? I can be one. You can be one too. We all have the propensity to get a little proud on certain topics and feel the need to interject our great wisdom. Whether we mean to or not, all of God’s children have to guard against being a little wise in our own eyes.

What’s the cure for thinking a little too highly of ourselves? Humility.

What’s the cure for dealing with others who get haughty with us? Love them, be patient with them, and pray for them.

Why do these things? Because we are never more like Christ than when we live in humility and don’t share everything we know.

It’s a fact: when I really “know-it-all” about something, I don’t have to expound, push my way to the front, or get loud. I can rest in the fact I understand and wait for others to ask for my opinion. (It almost always works better this way-especially with my adult children.)

Prayer– Oh, Father, You know it all! You are the only Person who does! Give me the grace to deal with others in humility. I want to be more gentle and less pushy today.

Reflect– Think about how you typically deal with others – at work, at church, in your family. Are you a know-it-all? Do you often have to express your opinion and your wisdom? Or are you more humble, willing to let others share what they know?

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21 Days to Sweeter Friendships

Friendships -- Relationships -- Community. We all need and desire these things, but often we do not enjoy them like we could and as God intended. Join us for a 21-Day Bible journey to encourage better relationships and more community. You will be inspired, challenged, and offered much practical wisdom about developing and maintaining deeper and more meaningful friendships.
