Cultivating Spiritual Fruit预览

Cultivating Spiritual Fruit



“Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice!" Philippians 4:4

God gives believers a command to rejoice. Rejoicing changes our perspective and generates joy which grows as we fellowship with Him. Keeping our thoughts on what is true, right, honorable, pure, lovely, admirable, and praiseworthy, and focusing on the joy of the Lord, helps amplify the positives and nullify the negatives.

Just think, we have an automatic joy generator! When we count our blessings, we begin to feel blessed. So, when you need to generate more joy, rejoice! Don’t forget to rejoice in those medical diagnoses or financial hardships you've endured. Wait…what? Yes, we are exhorted to rejoice and have joy in life’s trials, too. Notice the verse says “always”. Now, I realize this is hard to do, but there is potential joy even when no joy is present. Spirit-given joy is possible even while suffering.

Joy is an inside job. True joy is based on who God is, not our circumstances. Joy is a Person; His name is Jesus. Joy and suffering can coexist because it’s an internal condition focused on the God we know and serve. Even Jesus had to learn joy in suffering as He endured opposition and crucifixion. He was focused on the end result – joy with God the Father after accomplishing His work on the earth. He also found joy from obeying, and He anticipated the joy He would one day share with us because His sacrifice would pay for our redemption in full. No matter how dark our circumstances seem, a joy-centered focus keeps us from despairing over our present circumstances and sorrows.

We can rejoice in these truths:

God is at work. He builds character in us through difficulties. (James 1:2-4)

God’s will is done. He accomplishes His will in us and through us when we respond with obedience. (John 14:15)

God’s ways prevail. He harvests joy out of tears (Ps. 126:5-6); peace out of anxiety (Philippians 4:6-7); strength from weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9); and life out of death (2 Corinthians 4:11-12).

God will either deliver us from a trial or sustain us through it. Truly we can “rejoice in the Lord always; and I will say again, rejoice!”, for Joy is with us always!

How have you experienced joy in trials?


Cultivating Spiritual Fruit

The purpose of fruit is to be picked and consumed. The Holy Spirit grows His fruit in us so we can nourish others. We shouldn’t think about our own benefit, and yet, exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit blesses us as well. The fruit of the Spirit involves our time, faith, and trust. As you read through this plan, you’ll learn how to cultivate God’s special fruit.
