Making Room for Her: A Study of the Most Famous In-Law Relationship预览

Making Room for Her: A Study of the Most Famous In-Law Relationship



Naomi and Ruth’s story closes with a wedding! Can you just hear Boaz’s family and friends cheer?

Boaz steps forward to take the family relative’s responsibility to marry the widow Ruth. Naomi begins to hope again for the future of her family. A year later, a baby is born. All the women are in awe of Ruth’s love. Together they celebrate the work of God in Naomi’s life. Ruth and Naomi’s committed love is a living tribute of God’s grace.

What does all this mean for us? First it means that whether we are a mother-in-law or daughter-in-law, we would do well to remember that the ramifications of decisions made today do not stay bound to today.

Even if your in-law has not turned to Jesus for salvation, what you think is the end of the story may not be the end of the story. In a sense, we don’t know the true end of the story of Ruth because Jesus has not returned yet! We must keep in mind that any in-law who has turned away from the Lord still has the room to turn back toward him. We must remember and hold to the truth that our God is at work. We can trust him.

Secondly, it means that we hold to the truth that one of the things God is doing in the story of our in-law relationship is making us more like himself. Even if your relationship with your in-law doesn’t mend immediately, God gives his children a precious privilege: to follow in his son’s footsteps.

God uses even the broken places for the good of his children. He is working in us—changing not just her, but me—to become different over time, conforming slowly and steadily into the image of his Son, who drew near the very people who raised their fists at him.

Even the challenging, maddening, or complicated experiences with our in-law are opportunities for us to practice Jesus’ unfathomable mercy and love for those who seem like they don’t deserve it. God always weaves together every event in the lives of his people for their own sanctification and for his redemptive purposes in the world.

Ask God to increase your faithfulness to him. Ask him to build up a love in you that shows up and acts like Jesus no matter what. God will build your trust in him and love for your in-law by giving you faith in even the most trying circumstances. God will meet you and impact generations to come in your family.

God transformed things for Naomi, Ruth and Boaz—both in them and through them. God proved himself able in more than they could have imagined—even in the seemingly random or confusing moments that “just so happened.” This is what God does!

For reflection:

  • What part of Ruth and Naomi’s story do you relate to the most?
  • What are you afraid to pray for when it comes to your in-law relationship?

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Making Room for Her: A Study of the Most Famous In-Law Relationship

No matter your age or stage, every daughter-in-law and mother-in-law needs help navigating their relationship sometimes. Whether the struggle is one of feeling unseen, unheard, or unvalued, authors and in-laws Barbara and Stacy Reaoch have been there, and as they’ve put the Bible’s wisdom to practice over the years, they’ve found that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law really can thrive in the midst of difficulty.
