A Jolly Irish Christmas: A 4-Day Devotional With Rend Collective -预览

A Jolly Irish Christmas: A 4-Day Devotional With Rend Collective -


’Tis the season for reflecting! On the year, on what we’ve accomplished, on what we’ve lost, on our dreams for the new year. If you’re anything like us, these past few years have been a particularly mixed bag. We’ve surrendered a lot of dreams, and we’ve also witnessed God place new ones in our hearts. 

But as we reflect on our walk with the Holy Spirit, sometimes we are struck with a profound sense of inadequacy. Not every year ends in victory, for some of us the Christmas season feels more like a half-hearted limp to the finish line. We’re not particularly proud of the year and wonder how it can already be time to start a new one. And if any of this is striking a chord, this devotional is for you. 

The message of Jesus in the world has always been one of joy and glad tidings. And not just because that’s what our theology tells us (although it IS the firm foundation of our faith!) but because in Him there is rest, goodness, acceptance and peace the world cannot offer. 

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11: 28-30 NIV)

For those of us not sure what we have to offer at the end of the year this is good news. We’re asked to show up and offer our real selves to Jesus, no matter how battered or broken. This is the essence of the Christian faith— not that everything is always lovely and shiny, OR that we don’t stumble or fall along the way. But that no matter what happens, there is always safety and rest in the arms of Jesus to be welcomed back home no matter what. 

We’re not asked to be perfect, or holy or even good. We’re merely invited to come to Him and ask Him to do a work in us. This is the good news of Christmas and the reason we sing. This is why even if you feel a little defeated this year, there’s hope in Jesus. To accept us, to love us, to carry us across the finish line and all the way home. 

Verse: The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18 (ESV)

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A Jolly Irish Christmas: A 4-Day Devotional With Rend Collective -

Rend Collective presents a 4-day devotional plan based on their album, 'A Jolly Irish Christmas.' Join Rend Collective as they share the meaning and verses behind this album.
