Adore Him: One Star One Hope 预览

Adore Him: One Star One Hope




HOPE is a word that gets a lot of airplay in the music, movies, political pulpits, and marketing arenas of our day. We are told that if we buy the right product, listen to the right music, vote for the right politician, or choose the right church, then all things will go well for us – we’ll get our way. We’ll be happy, laughing like the people in the commercials or in the posters displayed in the mall. But what if our way, isn’t the best way? 

In the biblical story of Christmas, there were three sages, or wise men, who were by all accounts astrologers and magicians. They weren’t concerned with everything going their way. In fact, as they studied the Scriptures day and night by the dim flicker of an oil lamp, they were discovering how all of human history was meant to go God’s way. On the day these men discovered God’s plans to reveal himself to them and to the world, they must have felt the power of Hope stirring, drumming, deep within their souls. 

When they saw that distant, pulsing star in the night sky, they were ready to respond. They packed their treasures and crossed a threatening desert to follow a foreign star – to find the promised child who was to be born. They weren’t just looking for a King who would be over all other kings – they were looking for their King. They wanted to be a part of God getting his way – in their lives and in the life of the world. We often find that for which we are looking, when we look with everything we’ve got. What are you looking for? In what have you placed your hope? God is interested, this Christmas, in getting his way in your life, because he knows his way will bring life to you. Like the Magi, choose this Christmas to yield, once again, to God’s purposes for your life. There is no safer path to walk, whether you’re crossing a desert, or facing the day ahead. 

Apply This In Your Life 

The Wise Men of Matt. 2:1-12 were committed to finding the One who was guiding them by His star. Are you actively looking for God in your life right now? If so, know that he is always at work. What is he doing right now? How is he showing himself to you? Is there hope in your heart? 

A Closing Prayer 

Lord Jesus, like the Magi, I want to be as committed to finding you at work in my life as you are committed to doing that work. Fill me with the kind of faith that will cross deserts to find you. I am looking for you.

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Adore Him: One Star One Hope

During Advent, we remember that Jesus is God’s Star, heralding God’s love and forgiving power to us. Each devotional in this series is for one of the Sundays leading up to Christmas. The fifth, and final devotional, is for Christmas Day. Use these short reflections around a meal table, or on your own. More than anything, lift your eyes to God’s Star –Jesus – as your Hope this season.
