Fallen Heroes: A Devotional for Dads Who Struggle With Porn预览

Fallen Heroes: A Devotional for Dads Who Struggle With Porn


How does every Superman movie end? Superman flies off, fist in the air, in one last demonstration of superhuman strength and ability. We’re left thinking, “Wow, that guy is really incredible.” There may be other characters in the story who leave an impression, or act in heroic ways. But in the end, you’re left no doubt who the real hero is. 

That’s how it is with God: He’s the hero. He gets all the glory. 

Psalm 68 wraps up with a call to sing God’s praises, “Let’s all just revel for a minute in the incredible power of Superman as he flies off!”

As men with deeply ingrained heroic tendencies this can be hard for us. This show was never about us. We’re just little “h” heroes. God is the real Hero. We’re not the ones who fly off into the sunset before the credits roll; God is. It was about Him all along.

A friend of mine was really bothered by this idea. “You mean God made everything just to glorify Himself? Doesn’t that make Him an ego-maniac?”

It certainly seems that way from our perspective. But that’s because we’re just little “h” heroes. We could be a lot bigger, stronger, and better than we are. When we talk ourselves up it’s to compensate for something. 

But God is already all-powerful, all-knowing, all-wise, and all-good. He’s already maxed out in these qualities. As a Superhero, He’s already leveled up as much as possible. We can glorify Him all day long and it can’t change that. 

But we get the benefit when we see God’s glory. When God is glorified it actually levels us up. Verse 35 ends saying God’s people get power and strength when we glorify God. 

So our accountability relationships should always be about pointing to God—not just admitting our struggles and calling each other out when we mess up and look at porn. Accountability should remind us to glorify God. 

And the purpose of glorifying God isn’t for God’s benefit – He doesn’t need it! It’s for us. We gain power and strength by recognizing God as the all-powerful and all-strong Hero that He is. 


1. Think of one event from this past week that that points to God’s glory. 

2. How can accountability relationships keep you focused on God’s glory as you fight porn? Sign up for Covenant Eyes with the promo code "youversion" and get your first 30 days free. 

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Fallen Heroes: A Devotional for Dads Who Struggle With Porn

This is a reading plan for dads who want to quit porn. It was written by Keith Rose, a content creator at Covenant Eyes. Fallen Heroes looks at Psalm 68 to re-orient your perspective and teach you how to break free. It challenges you to think about heroism in a completely different way.
