Seeing God's Goodness During Trials预览

God is equally good during your difficult times as He is during your good times. All God is, and everything God does is infinitely good. He powerfully works for the good of those who love Him, whom He calls according to His purpose to reveal His glory and eternal plan. God is involved in every little detail of your life and demonstrates His goodness in many ways.
God demonstrates His goodness in His creation. "God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day." (Genesis 1:31 NIV). When God spoke and created the world and everything in it out of nothing, it was not just "good" but "very good." The goodness of creation reveals God's nature. He alone is perfect and, therefore, can only create what is good.
When trials come, make sure to take time to enjoy what God created. Step out into nature if you can and feel the warm sun on your face and watch the trees as they sway in the cool breeze. Listen to the birds' songs and marvel at God's beautiful creation, and delight in it. Getting outdoors is easier said than done when you're down, but nature has a way of putting a smile on your face. It's cliche, but take time to smell the roses; God created them for you!
And don't forget to taste what God created just as the Israelites did when He delivered them from their trials under Egyptian slavery and brought them to the Promised Land, the land of milk and honey. Nourish your body with healthy food and drink, and give thanks to God, even during your trials. God cares deeply for His creation, and He cares even more deeply for you. Are you willing to take care of yourself, others, and God's earth? God, infinite and perfect in and of Himself, did not need to create anything, but He did for you to enjoy and to bless you with His wonders.

Seeing God's goodness is easy during life's blessings but often hard to discern during life's trials. This plan will help you focus on God's goodness, an attribute of His unchanging character when you're hurting. God is good. All God is, and everything God does is infinitely good. He's working deliberately to reveal His glory and accomplish His plan for you, His beloved child.