1 Corinthians on Work预览

1 Corinthians on Work


Have you ever felt less than “influential” at work? Or felt like you were “lowly” or lacked the right "noble" family or pedigree for your career? Have you ever lacked the wisdom you need to do the work God has called you to do? 

All of us have. So what are we supposed to do with the feelings of inadequacy Paul describes in today’s passage in 1 Corinthians?

The burgeoning “self-help” industry’s answer to that question is to replace negative “self-talk” with “positive affirmations.” Is someone making you feel “lowly”? Forget about what they say. What matters is how you view yourself. Feeling like you don’t have what it takes to tackle the problem in front of you? Look in the mirror and tell yourself you can do it and that you are “enough.” In short, the world’s response to feeling inadequate is to inflate your self-esteem with pride. 

Paul’s response couldn’t be more different. In today’s passage, Paul is calling us to embrace our inadequacies so that God might be glorified in our weakness. In verse 27, Paul says that God works through the “weak things” of the world—that’s us!—“so that no one may boast before” God or man.

God used ninety-year-old Sarah to give birth to a nation (see Genesis 17:17). God used ineloquent Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt (see Exodus 4:10). And he used lowly fishermen and tax collectors to help proclaim the gospel of the kingdom (see Matthew 4:18-22).

Believer, you don’t need to convince yourself that you are capable of doing the work God has called you to do today. The point is that you’re not! And that means that God alone deserves the glory for whatever you accomplish.

Paul David Tripp said it best: “God calls unable people to do important things because ultimately what he’s working on is not your immediate success, but that you would come to know him, to love him, to rest in his grace, and to live for his glory.”

Amen. Boast in your weakness today so that God alone may be glorified through your work!

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1 Corinthians on Work

1 Corinthians is one of the richest books of the Bible on the topic of work. Paul talks about everything from why he worked so hard as a tentmaker to the fact that there are eternal rewards for how we work in this life. Over the next 6 days, we’ll dive deep into 6 passages from this letter and apply them to the work we’re all doing today.
