Promises & Prayers to Help You Pray for & With Your Children预览

Promises & Prayers to Help You Pray for & With Your Children


 Saturated by Supernatural Stories

Children love stories! It is easy to capture and hold their attention by reading or telling them a good tale, which gives us countless opportunities from the time they are tiny to saturate our children and grandchildren with supernatural stories about the power of God. We need to make the most of every opportunity in this area.

As believers, we are called to hold the record of God’s miraculous interventions among His people—the testimonies—so closely that they become the lenses through which we see our present challenges. Revelation 19:10 tells us that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. We can therefore interpret every challenge we face through the supernatural history of what God has done in the past. Instead of seeing a problem in front of us, we can see an opportunity for a miracle. This is what we need to teach our children to see as well, and we teach them this through testimonies.

In Scripture, the Lord establishes a value system for the spoken and written records of His deeds that will be passed down to each generation. God’s Word exhorts us to train our children not only in the law and commandments of God but also in the reports of His wonderful works. There is something about hearing testimonies that positions our children and grandchildren to place their hope in God when a trial comes. Because they have been saturated by stories of His supernatural intervention, their instinctive response when they face a challenge becomes, I’m going to trust God in this. He’s the God who works wonders. I don’t know how He’ll do it, but I can trust Him.

Sharing testimonies builds an awareness of the God who is with us and the God who is for us. Any family that makes testimonies a primary focus will experience great dividends. The very nature of these stories carries the revelation of God’s heart and nature, which never changes.

When we hear a story of what God has done for someone else, we are hearing a story of what He will do for us. He is no respecter of persons, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So tell your children lots and lots of testimonies about the power and wonder and faithfulness of God. Saturate them with supernatural stories that build their faith and trust.

Father, You have always been so good and so faithful to me. Thank You that, whenever I am struggling to hear Your voice, I can always return to the testimonies of Your miraculous intervention in my life. Help me help ___ build a record of testimonies so that this child will always remember Your works. Holy Spirit, give me creative ideas to inspire ___ to record God’s miracles and return to these stories often. Help me create a testimony culture in our family.

For Time with Your Child

Ask: Tell me a story about a way that God showed up in your life, and I will tell you one of my favorite testimonies!

Pray: You have always been so good to me, Jesus. Thank You that whenever I remember the different ways that You have loved me, I can remind myself about who You are. Thank You that any story I read in the Bible about Your miraculous deeds counts as something You would do again!

Declare: I am building a history of God’s miracles in my life. What He has done in the past, He will do again!

Do: Together, write down on scraps of paper all the ways you have experienced God’s goodness and miraculous intervention as a family this year. Place these examples in a jar on your counter and add to them whenever you can. This way, if you ever need encouragement as a family, you will have a record of testimonies to pull from any time!

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Promises & Prayers to Help You Pray for & With Your Children

Parents have the privilege and responsibility of partnering with God to release the divine destinies of their children. Biblical wisdom, God’s promises and the passionate prayers of loving caretakers are powerful change agents in the lives of these children. This reading plan will provide wisdom, strength and encouragement so you can express God’s heart for your children by praying daily for and with them. Reading Plan Length: 5 days
