Easter Behold Your King预览

Easter Behold Your King


Day Three

The Sacrificial System: Why the Cross? 

by Elizabeth Hyndman

For the Jews, God mandated a Day of Atonement that would take place once a year. On this day, an offering would be given for the sins of the people. The specific procedure for this day is outlined in Leviticus 16. 

Read Leviticus 16.

The procedure for atonement through the Law was complicated, to say the least. The high priest performed this ritual once a year, making sure to get every step correct. God provided a way for His people to experience atonement for their sins, even as they were wandering in the desert, even as they were setting up kingdoms, even as God seemed silent. He provided a way for them to be with Him in fellowship. 

Life is in the blood of both animals and humans, according to Scripture. Since we need atonement for our lives (Rom. 6:23), life must be sacrificed. Life for life. 

Read Hebrews 10:1-18. 

The old system provided a way for God to be with His people, but Jesus is a better Way. Because of His sacrifice, we do not have to perform cumbersome rituals every year and every time we sin. We do not have to be cleansed over and over again. We can trust what Jesus said from the cross—“It is finished” (John 19:30). A better sacrifice has been made. 

Through Jesus’ death on the cross we find salvation—a restored relationship with God and sanctification, or growth toward godliness. The sacrifice of the perfect, unblemished Lamb of God provided atonement once and forever. 

Read Revelation 5:8-10. 

The cross and the blood of Christ stand central to the Easter story and our faith in all their gore, because we know these ugly pictures of death mean life to us. The cross and the blood represent the most beautiful thing to ever happen in the whole history of the world and to us. 

Jesus shed His blood and died on a cross because we needed a life for ours. We needed atonement, redemption, and righteousness. We needed a sacrifice. Praise God for the perfect Lamb sent to be that sacrifice for us! 

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Easter Behold Your King

It’s so easy to get swept up in the busyness of plays and pastels during the Easter season that we sometimes forget to stand in awe of Jesus. "Easter: Behold Your King" is a thoughtful look at the Easter season. This study will not only help the reader understand how beautifully deep Christ’s sacrifice for us is, but also how to live in light of these life-giving truths.
