Awesome God: Every Nation Prayer & Fasting预览

Awesome God: Every Nation Prayer & Fasting





“I know that you can do all things,
and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”  Job 42:2

If you’re a parent, you’ve probably had to tell your child to stay away from the stove or fire. If you have a curious child, they probably asked you why. You try to explain, but they don’t understand your reasoning. Eventually, you resort to, “Because I said so.” 

The book of Job follows the story of a righteous man’s attempts to grapple with his intense and seemingly senseless suffering. Finally, in chapter 38, God shows up and speaks to Job. But he doesn’t offer words of comfort or answers to his questions like we might imagine. Instead, Job gets the equivalent of a parent’s “because I said so” when God says, “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?” 

Job humbles himself and acknowledges God’s sovereignty, proclaiming that he can do all things and that his purposes can’t be hindered. He understands that the Lord is the sovereign King of creation. Job then says in Job 42:2–3: “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. ‘Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?’ Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.” In God’s sovereignty, Job’s trials were meant to purify his faith and produce endurance in his character. God remained compassionate, merciful, and in control through the suffering. After seeking comfort and answers for forty-two chapters, Job finds the real source of comfort—not in having his questions answered, but in repenting for his doubts and trusting the Lord.

Trusting in the Lord’s sovereignty is much easier said than done, especially when we are experiencing our own trials and pain. How can we trust that God has our best interest in mind in the middle of difficult circumstances? We can look to Jesus, the innocent sufferer, who suffered and died to save us. In the middle of overwhelming pain and sorrow, when God’s ways don’t make sense to us, we can look to the cross and be comforted that our sovereign God saw fit to send his Son to die that we might be saved.

Because God is sovereign, there is comfort for times of trouble.



  1. What trial are you currently facing? How can trusting in God’s sovereignty bring you comfort?  
  2. How does looking to the cross assure you that God always has your best interest in mind?



“I know that you can do all things,
and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”  Job 42:2


Father, you are sovereign over everything in the universe. Your kingdom knows no end and no limitation. No enemy can ruin what you have planned. In your sovereignty, you sent your Son to die on the cross that I may be comforted and know your greatness. God, teach me how to humble myself before you. I release control over my own life and ask that you would grant me your peace. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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Awesome God: Every Nation Prayer & Fasting

As we push through challenges and the unexpected, we find more reason to fix our attention on who our awesome God is. This plan will lead you into a deeper understanding of God’s greatness and goodness resulting in worship, holiness, and mission.
