'Bout That Life预览

So now that we've done this plan together, what can we walk away with? What was the point? Even though we may be far from having the same comprehension, courage, commitment, or cost from those we read about in the Bible, that doesn't mean we can't strive to be 'Bout that life. When we feel God moving us to take bold steps of courage, we find comfort in knowing that we're not the first to be in that position, and we won't be the last. God's calling for us is the same through all generations, because in order to follow God, it will take absolutely everything we've got.
Following God isn't always easy, but it's always worth it.
In fact, the Bible verses we've read would lead us to believe there's really only one way to follow Christ: all in. So cast off your fear, release your apprehension and remember that we're surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. Even when we're met with opposition, even when everything goes wrong, even when we're tempted to turn back, remember the promises God has made for us and remember that our current struggles are nothing compared to the glory of eternity with God.
So as you go forward, ask God to give you the strength to give more, work harder, sacrifice more, rely on Him more, give more grace, be ridiculously generous with what God's given us, take bolder steps, never give up, and fix your eyes on the author and perfector of your faith. Be encouraged - God is with you & He will see you through.

A famous mixed martial arts fighter, Ronda Rousey, popularized this phrase, 'Bout That Life, in 2015 at the height of her career. She explained that many people want the glory of success, but are unwilling to do what it takes to get there. This Bible Plan looks at the lives of a few Biblical characters who were definitely 'Bout That Life: willing to do whatever it took to follow God. God's calling has remained the same through centuries: the question is, what will our response be?