An Unfair Advantage: Victory in the Midst of Battle预览

Courage Beyond Fear – Part 2
In Matthew 26, we see a glimpse of Jesus dealing with the difficulties he was about to face. He went with some of his disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane and told them: “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death” (v. 38). Jesus walked off to pray and fell to his face on the ground, praying earnestly. He continued praying for over an hour, pacing back and forth. Luke’s writings visualize Jesus’ extreme anguish of this moment: “His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground” (Luke 22:44).
Jesus “returned to the disciples and said to them, ‘Look, the hour has come, and the Son of Man is delivered into the hands of sinners. Rise! Let us go! Here comes my betrayer!’” (Matthew 26:45–46).
Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the decision that something is more important than that fear and moving on anyway. There is no example in the history of courage greater than this: Jesus voluntarily delivered himself into the hands of his enemies to pay the ultimate price for humanity—for each of us. Jesus didn’t turn himself over to his enemies because he was weak; he turned himself over to them because he was strong. Even the bravest of us would run or maybe fight back in one last attempt to beat destiny, but Jesus bravely embraced his.
Jesus had the unfair advantage of knowing who he was and what he was here to do. For any of us, the foreknowledge of such a mission would have been too heavy a burden to carry. Yet Jesus chose to do it anyway. He took on the ultimate battle for humanity, and his heroic actions have eternally saved us all, if we will rely on him and conform our will to his. Why did he do it? Because he wanted to. He did it for us—for you. He is the perfect warrior who demonstrates courage under fire in a way we can all strive to emulate as we face our own times of fear, anxiety, and doubt. I pray you have already made the decision to be in a relationship with Christ and align your life to his plan for you so that you can face your battles wearing the full armor of God. When I made that choice, I found my purpose—the very reason God created me—and I discovered an unfair advantage that led me to victory in the midst of my battles. I pray you discover that same advantage for the battles you face and unlock the warrior spirit sewn into your heart by God himself.
An Unfair Advantage by Chad Robichaux will help you discover the unfair advantage you have for the battles you face and unlock the warrior spirit sewn in your heart by God himself. Learn more at

Force Recon Marine and Pro MMA Champion Chad Robichaux shares wisdom gained from his life experiences alongside stories of biblical warriors who faced similar struggles and reveals the unfair advantage that led them to victory in the midst of those battles. Discover that same advantage for the battles you face, and unlock the warrior spirit sewn in your heart by God himself.