
Ask Think Imagine


Surprised By Blessings

If you remember the final graduation scene from the film Legally Blonde, then you’ll have an idea of how I envisioned my commencement. It was not like that.

I sat in a theater filled mostly with people I’d never seen before as the chair of my department gave a speech about how college isn’t just about getting a job anyway. I mentally counted the number of people with my degree who had successfully secured a post-grad job, and the numbers were bleak. “Why, dear Lord, did you let me choose Film Studies?”

The truth is, I spent the majority of my graduation panicking when I should have been celebrating. I was in a period of transition and had no idea what was ahead of me. That was scary.

Ironically, the verse I printed on my graduation announcements was Proverbs 2:6-8, which is the key to navigating through times when we can’t see the road ahead.

The Lord gives wisdom so we’ll always know the right thing to do.
His Word is knowledge and understanding.
God watches over His “saints,” which means those who follow after Him.

Jesus says, “Follow me.” But with that leap of faith comes the providence of God, and I’ll never stop being surprised at the blessings He will bring.

Audra Blake
Filmmaking Team

按日 18按日 20


Ask Think Imagine

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