



 ‘Serving’ is a bit of a dirty word in today’s society. It feels subservient and weak. To serve someone is to be inferior to that person. To forsake yourself for someone else goes directly against what the world says. Serving is at the very heart of what it means to be a Christian. Many of us know this – but we take it for granted and forget WHY we serve. 

Firstly, we serve because Jesus did. Jesus says he came not to be served, but to serve (Mark 10:45). Jesus’ life was defined by service. Throughout the gospels, we see Jesus serve others – by giving up his time; by washing his disciples’ feet; by going all the way to the Cross for all humanity. The son of God, who sat at the right hand of the Father, came down to earth for the purpose of serving others. He had the omnipotent power of God – yet He withheld that power so He might serve others. If living a life of service is good enough for Jesus – then surely, it’s good enough for us?! If we’re followers of Jesus, then, we must be people who serve others. Who put others first. Who have relationships with people that sacrifice our own needs and desires for those of others.

We don’t just serve because Jesus did, though; we serve because it’s a form of worshipping God. As we put others first, we serve them as if we are serving God Himself. Whether it’s stopping during a busy workday or to check in with a colleague; whether it’s shouting someone coffee to chat about life; whether it’s giving up time to invest in church-based ministry – whatever we do for others in need, we do for God himself (Matthew 25:40). Worship isn’t just something we do when we sing together on a Sunday – it’s a rhythm of life, something we do daily as we put others before ourselves. God has equipped us with gifts, passions and skills to serve others and faithfully steward God’s grace (1 Peter 4:10). The more that we faithfully serve others in all areas of life, the more that they will see God Himself through our service.

Know that when you serve others, you are serving the Creator of the Universe Himself. It isn’t something that is subservient or dirty – it’s something that God Himself did to bring humanity back to Him. God Himself stepped off the throne to come down and give up His life for us. The least we can do, in response to this, is to serve others so that they can know and experience Him too. What a privilege it is to serve God as we serve others in our day-to-day lives!

Remember that this devotional is designed to be read alongside the Generation podcast series. Listen to the episode entitled 'serving' on the podcast for a deeper exploration and discussion as to why we serve as Christians.

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Sometimes we need a recalibration, a re-alignment in our relationship with God. We believe that right now God wants to recalibrate his people into fresh, authentic and real relationship with Him. Come on the journey with us here with this devotional, and also with our partner podcast 'generation ministries' wherever you get your podcasts.
