Mini Big B!预览

Mini Big B!


Herod - People aren’t always as they look

People aren’t always what they seem. We usually look at the exterior or outside of a person but God looks at the heart.

  • We’re called to love everyone, but that doesn’t mean that everyone should be trusted. It’s good to be wise (like the wise men) and think about who we trust and who we are close friends with.
  • God has given us lots of people in our lives that we can trust. Who can you think of?
  • What can we do to make sure that we are worthy of other peoples trust?
  • Pray: Thank you Jesus that I can always trust you. Thank you for all the trustworthy people that you’ve put in my life. May I be wise in who I trust and may I be worthy of the trust of others. Amen.

Brian and Dave have been looking forward to Christmas since the 1st December. You’ll find the films on the YouTube channel if you’d like to watch more.

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Mini Big B!

Advent, the season of looking towards the most memorable birthday, is such an exciting time. And hidden within the Christmas story are a multitude of treasures, so many examples of God’s great love and involvement with us. In this Mini BigB Advent edition film resource, Brian (the puppet) and Dave generally have a lot of fun but also provide a little something for us to ponder in this busy season. This is a great resource for 6-11 year old children and for anyone with a childish sense of humour.
