Ten Unsung Bible Heroes & Their Priceless Legacy预览

Ten Unsung Bible Heroes & Their Priceless Legacy


With you, heart and soul!

(By Pou Lin Chang)

Have you heard of Jonathan and his armourbearer?

An armourbearer is someone who carries the weapons of his master during a battle. Armourbearers were known to be confidantes and trustworthy men, personally recruited by warriors and kings. 

This Old Testament story (1 Samuel 14 and 15) tells when the Philistines gathered 30,000 chariots, 6000 horsemen, and soldiers as many as the sands of the sea to fight against Israel. When the men of Israel saw that they were in danger, they hid in caves, rock and holes, leaving only 600 fighting men with the Israelite King Saul. To add to their problem, except for King Saul and his son Jonathan, the Israeli army had no weapon to fight! King Saul also ended up angering Prophet Samuel, God’s spokesperson, by offering a burnt offering and violating God’s command (1 Samuel  13).

It was in the backdrop of this situation that Jonathan says to his young armor-bearer, “Come, let’s go over to the Philistine outpost on the other side” (1 Samuel  14:1). At the looks of it, Jonathan’s suggestion seemed foolish and life threatening, but his armourbearer stood by him without any resistance. 

Jonathan initially wasn’t even sure whether God was in this plan. But his armor bearer replied, “Do all that you have in mind. Go ahead, I am with you heart and soul(1 Samuel 14:7)

The armorbearer’s heart was completely surrendered to his master and his loyalty for Jonathan was above his life! He gives immense courage to Jonathan through his words. 

Subsequently God rewards the boldness of Jonathan and his armourbearer with a victory confirmation. And as they climb the rocky cliffs to reach the Philistine post, great trembling and panic falls upon the enemy camp. Jonathan (with his sword) and his armor bearer (without any weapon) end up killing 20 men, following which there was a great earthquake and God saves Israel that day.

At the end of it all, the people claimed: Jonathan has accomplished great deliverance for Israel (1 Samuel 14:45). The crowds cheer for Jonathan, but his armourbearer went unnamed and unnoticed. 

Surely without the armourbearer’s backing, Jonathan would not have won the battle for Israel. 

Do you know the Hebrew word for ‘armour bearer’ is ‘to lift up’? Jonathan’s armourbearer played such a crucial role - he was there with him lifting his burden physically and emotionally, just like a best buddy who silently stands beside you, encourages you and shields you from the schemes of the enemy. 

As the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor; If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. 

Life Application

1. Be someone who lifts people up.

2. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves 

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Ten Unsung Bible Heroes & Their Priceless Legacy

Nobody knows their names, but without them, the Bible would be incomplete. We call them heroes because through what they did, they impacted destinies and pleased God. In God’s eyes, our titles don’t matter, but what does matter is our level of surrender to Him. So, no matter how insignificant your calling may look, when you surrender yourself to God, you can leave a priceless legacy for generations to come.
