From Secret Sin to Secret Place预览

Remember the story of the two men who were building a house? One built his house on sand. He didn’t do anything wrong; he was not called a sinner or wicked, but he was called foolish. Another man built his house on the rock. His foundation, which was invisible to the public, was deep and strong. In fact, the whole house rested on it. When a storm came, the house with the solid foundation endured. If you clean up your private life from sin, yet fill it with the sand of selfishness, you can still build a great house, but if a storm comes, it will be destroyed. If the devil can’t make you hide sin privately, he will try “plan B,” which is for your secret life to be full of sand instead of rock. If you no longer hide sin, but don’t host the Holy Spirit, you are still susceptible to the trap of the enemy by living a life full of busyness, focusing on the cares of this life and on the deceitfulness of riches. The consequences of building on sand may not seem as bad as hiding sin, but its effect is not God’s perfect will for us.
We get strong winds in the Tri-Cities where I live. One time, during a strong wind, the tree next to the trailer park where our church is located toppled over. The tree fell down like a pencil being balanced on its tip. The roots were totally exposed and although they were extremely thick, they were terribly shallow. The tree was big, but the roots were small, therefore, the wind was able to knock it down from its standing position. This is exactly what happens to us when we stop hiding sin, but we still live shallow private lives, void of living in the Scriptures or spending time with the Holy Spirit.
Want to know the Holy Spirit more? Check out my new book called "Host the Holy Ghost."

It’s about time to stop hiding sin and start hosting the Holy Spirit. It’s time to move from secret sin to the secret place.