Teach Me Your Ways 7-Day Devotional预览

Teach Me Your Ways 7-Day Devotional



“Come now, let us reason together,” says the Lord:  

“though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;  

though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.”  

(Isaiah 1:18, ESV)  


If this Scripture passage were a play and if God were talking to you, I would picture it this way: 

God the Father:  Come now.  

You:  Where are we going?  

God the Father:  Sit down here. 

You:  Here? 

God the Father:  Yes. Let’s talk  

You:  But wait, wait! I’m not clean. I have sinned. 

God the Father:  Yes, I know. I’ve got that covered.  

You:  Covered? 

God the Father:  Yes, I have taken care of your sin through my Jesus, my son. 

You:  But you don’t get it. I am very sinful. 

God the Father:  In spite of that, your sin will be as white as snow. 


Now that you have been deeply blessed by this gracious gift from God, what if the conversation were between you and someone you are in conflict with? Would the talk go in the same direction? Would you be as humble? Let’s try it out. 

You:  Come now.  

The other person:  Where are we going?  

You:  Sit down. 

The other person:  Here? 

You:  Yes, let’s talk.  

The other person:  But wait;  I’m not clean. I have sinned. 

You:  I know, but Jesus has that covered.  

The other person:  Covered? 

You:  Yes, Jesus has paid for all your sin. 

The other person:  But you don’t get it. I am very sinful. 

You:  In spite of that, your sin will be white as snow because of Jesus. 


Father, I want to have your heart. Help me to see people through your son’s eyes…. (Continue praying.) 

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Teach Me Your Ways 7-Day Devotional

If you've ever experienced conflict- and we all have- you know how it can take away your peace. Follow author, trainer, and pastor P. Brian Noble as he walks us through this seven day devotional of discovering peace in God's word.
