
"You Want To Use My Light?"

By Preston Morrison

There is an underground cave in Northern Arizona our family found several years ago. We were driving through a forest having a good old-fashioned Morrison family adventure when we unexpectedly came upon it. Were we completely unprepared to explore it? Yes. Did we decide to do it anyway? Of course! It was our sense of adventure that drew us to it.

As we approached this unassuming hole in the ground, the closer we got, the more I realized this was going to be a pretty serious undertaking. There were other people exploring it as well; some had harnesses and backpacks, but everyone had flashlights. We, however, did not. We decided to go in and try the first 100 feet to get an idea of how cold, dark, and difficult it would be. But before we even made it 100 feet, it was so dark we couldn’t see each other. Only when another climber would pass by us with a light could we see each other or where we were going.

As it was now quite obvious, due to the rising tension level of several in our group we simply were not going to be able to make this journey happen without light. We decided to climb out and come back when we all had lights. Before we made it out, a man and his two sons noticed we had no light to travel by and said, “Hey, you want to use my lights? We’ve got three cheap lights from Walmart you can have. There’s no way you guys could do this cave without them.” Of course, I immediately responded saying, “How dare you offer me a light to more easily travel this dark place safely! Get away from me and take your light with you!” Okay, okay, you know I didn’t actually say that. I’m trying to make a point. Of course, I was beyond grateful for his offer. The only reason we were able to explore the cave was because he gave us his light.

Sometimes I think we Christians tend to forget just how valuable light is in a dark place. Some of us are so afraid to be the light God has called us to be because we are afraid it will offend those around us. That cave was the darkest place I have ever been. Kind of sounds like the state of the earth now, right? The next time you see someone trying to move forward in complete darkness with no light, offer them yours. They’ll be grateful you did.


God, please give me a heart that yearns to notice and help those walking in darkness. Give me the boldness required to stay bright in the darkest of places. In Christ’s name, Amen.

Memory Verse

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)



REAL focuses on equipping and inspiring you to effectively communicate the story of the gospel and your faith by living a relevant, engaging, authentic life. Over 28 days, Pastor Robert Morris, the founding senior pastor of Gateway Church, and other pastors and leaders at Gateway share the key ingredients to being a good witness and sharing your story with others.
